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We encourage you to write letters to your representatives, and editors of newspapers.  You can also tweet, write on their Facebook page and/or call them. 

From time to time ClimateFast urges people to write to politicians or the media about specific issues, and provide a template for the letter to provide the structure, contact information and main points to include.  We would encourage you to personalize your letter, but you can copy and paste some of the wording. You can also browse through some of our sample letter to politicians for ideas.

If you do not know the name and/or contact information for your Member of Parliament you can find it using this form (you will need your postal code) on the House Of Commons Website.  Find your MLA, MPP, MHA or MNA for your riding.

You can find the contact details for local media here, including emails for sending in letters to the editor and phone numbers for talkback radio shows.

Letters in response to a current editorial or feature article, or major media story, have the most likelihood of being printed, and it helps keep the length 150 words or less.

Do email (or bcc) us to let us who you have written and what the response you received.