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House of Commons
Parliament Buildings
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
K1A 0A6
Dear Prime Minister Trudeau,

I am writing to thank you for your commitment to fight climate change, and specifically for your stated goal to keep the planet below 1.5° C warming.

I call upon the federal government to take action in the following three areas in order to attain this objective:

  • End fossil fuel subsidies
  • Put a price on carbon
  • Develop a renewable energy plan for Canada

I applaud your pledge to end fossil fuel subsidies and to develop the renewable energy sector, however we must make the transition to sustainable energy sources within the shortest possible timeframe.

Should the federal government continue to pursue a decentralized carbon pricing strategy, it must ensure that provincial greenhouse gas emission reductions collectively meet or exceed IPCC targets. Given the dire need to reduce carbon emissions, let’s achieve those goals as soon as possible in order to limit the irreparable damage being done to our biosphere.

Climate scientists tell us we must act very quickly if we are to avert catastrophic warming. Your attention to this urgent matter is very much appreciated.


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