TCAN and ClimateFast hosted training on the budget and the climate surveys on January 15 and 18, and this contributed to ensuring that dozens of climate-concerned residents deputed on the climate crisis and the city's budget. Our concerns have been noted in this recent Toronto Star article.
ClimateFast members Anne Keary and Val Endicott are quoted, and Lyn Adamson had a letter to the editor published .
Although deputations are closed, you can still let your councillor know that you support the city's proposed budget increase of 6.9% - that works out to about $5/week for most homeowners - and for renters, the increase is half that amount.
Councillors are hearing from residents who oppose the tax increase, and who may not realize how much the City needs revenue to meet the City's needs. Since Premier Ford doesn't seem to know what to put our tax dollars toward (healthcare and education come to mind!), and will be sending $200 direct to every taxpayer instead, we can be the conduits to the City (by applying this rebate to cover the property tax increase), where the money will be well-used for improving transit, supporting the homeless, and mitigating the climate crisis.
In his most recent newsletter (Jan 23, 2025), Councillor Perks wrote:
"One of the key points that we have heard loudly this budget season is that Torontonians expect our City to accelerate its climate actions towards meeting our goal of net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in Toronto by 2040. Now more than ever, municipal leadership is vital in safeguarding our environment.
I am pleased to share that the staff-prepared 2025 Budget is proposing significant investments in Toronto’s climate and environment. For the first time ever, every City division is now actively engaged in finding carbon reduction programs in a coordinated way through the Carbon Budget Prioritization process. Through this process, the 2025 Budget contains 31 new and enhanced GHG reduction actions with a quantified GHG reduction impact."
Finally, from a recent Toronto Star article:
"A group of developers is asking a court to strike down the city of Toronto’s sustainable building standards - a legal challenge that the builders say would make homes cheaper but that critics say will make them substandard and “gut” the city’s already flagging climate change strategy."
Join the fight to keep Toronto's Green Standard for new buildings - sign this petition! |