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Whether you’d like to host, facilitate or both, help is available. The KTCC team can offer technical support, trained facilitators and more! To request specific support, please fill out the Support Request form.


Getting people around your table is key. We suggest that you reach out to the people you know - friends, neighbours, co-workers. Or connect with neighbourhood groups you could work with. Or invite local leaders that can help implement change. If enough people talk about the climate crisis and work together for climate justice, we can help ensure a livable future for all.

As host you would....

  • invite people to your conversation
  • meet or talk with potential attendees before hand if needed
  • introduce your co-facilitator, if you have someone helping you
  • follow-up with attendees afterwards
  • thank them, provide additional materials, encourage next steps

Resources for Hosts

We suggest that your invitations be personal, individualized, authentically from you! That said, here is a KTCC Invitation Letter Template to get started with. You could also tailor this sample KTCC Follow-up Letter for your group. Include ideas shared, next steps, additional information and/or a potential follow-up survey.

The two surveys below are examples of google forms. They are free and easy to make. You could instead simply email similar questions to your prospective attendees.
















The KTCC's work best when they are semi-structured and have a conversational leader. They also work best if they are an interactive discussion. That way, the whole group can benefit from each person's thoughts, discover each others' motivations and get inspired to work together.

As facilitator you would....

  • design the conversation
  • lead the conversation
  • manage the technology of a digital platform
  • keep the conversational flow going, mind the time

Resources for Facilitators

KTCC Toolkit - A slide deck - use as a model or adapt and adopt.

Technical Guide - for operating on zoom.

Conversation Mapping - to help you tailor your conversation!

Supporting One Another

  • Join our Facebook Group: Kitchentableclimateconversations@climatefast
  • Check the ClimateFast calendar for the next KTCC event or let us know if you're holding one!
  • Also see the climatefast blog and calendar for the latest updates.
  • Report back about your conversation by filling out the Report Back form.
  • Feel free to email us at
  • You can send a KTCC photo for our picture gallery to that email too!