ClimateFast has a long history of supporting climate action in the City of Toronto, through budget deputation trainings and other actions that play an important role in securing Council’s support for the TransformTO-Net Zero Strategy.
In the lead up to the yearly budget, the City Council Budget Committee holds a series of special budget consultations in several locations throughout the city over the course of a few days and invites residents to give deputations or “depute” about how the budget should be shaped. The City provides information on meeting locations and background on the budget process, including this 2023 Budget Launch Presentation.
Budget Deputation Training
In preparation for the 2023 budget meetings, the Toronto Climate Action Network (TCAN) and ClimateFast presented Have Your Say on Toronto’s Budget, an online budget deputation training session to encourage people to write or present deputations. Guest speakers included Councillor Gord Perks and Toronto Environmental Alliance (TEA) Climate Campaigner: How-Sen Chong, moderated by Anne Keary of TCAN. You can view TEA's Budget Deputation Training slides and watch the webcast recording.
The Budget Committee held several hearings on January 17th and 18th. Several ClimateFast members took this opportunity to express the urgent need to fully fund the TransformTO Net Zero Strategy and to prioritize action on the climate emergency. You can read and watch their deputations below:
Budget Subcommittee Hearings (City Council You Tube videos)
a) Budget Subcommittee at City Hall-part 1: 9:30 AM - January 17, 2023
b) Budget Subcommittee at City Hall-part 2: 1:30 PM - January 18, 2023
c) Budget Subcommittee at North York Civic Centre 1:30 PM - January 17, 2023
d) Budget Subcommittee at Etobicoke Civic Centre 1:30 PM - January 18, 2023
Here are video clips of fourteen Toronto city budget deputations:
1. Lyn Adamson You can also read Lyn's deputation on behalf of ClimateFast.
2. Sarah Buchanan
3. Laura Lindberg
4. Brian MacLean
5. Carol Essex
6. Jay Scott
7. Liz Addison
8. Judith Lawrence
9. Valerie Endicott
10. Lee Adamson
11. Anne Keary
12. Sharon Bider
13. Jacinta McDonnell
14. Don Booth
Our February 6th Action Alert provided follow-up information and suggestions for further action on the budget.
From l to r - Lee Adamson, Councillor Chris Moise, Budget Committee Chair Councillor Gary Crawford, Dr. Jacob Pendergrast, Councillor Alejandra Bravo, Anne Keary, Sharon Bider, Lyn Adamson, Mary Blake Bonn, Jacinta McDonnell - After the deputations Jan 17th, Toronto City Hall.
Sharon Bider of ClimateFast deputes at Toronto City Hall. Councillor Alejandra Bravo and the video screen are in the background.
Dr. Jacob Pendergrast, University Health Network deputing on health effects of air pollution from cars, speaking to Budget Chief Councillor Gary Crawford and Councillor Alejandra Bravo.
Jacinta McDonnell deputes while Lee Adamson, Sharon Bider and Anne Keary (all in front row) listen.