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The KTCC Toolkit

The Kitchen Table Climate Conversation online toolkit includes a guide for facilitators, a suggested agenda and a deck of presenter slides. The current slides were updated in the summer of 2020. They are fully editable and contain links to many current resources.

Sections of the KTCC

Explore resources for the different sections of the toolkit separately below and choose the best approach for you and your conversation.

Science and Impacts

From global to local, slides, videos and ideas for acknowledging the crises we face and presenting some of the science and impacts.

Science of Social Change

Research shows that change takes place in group discussions. It also shows that if enough of us adopt a change or engage in an activity, it catches on. We have collective strength when we work

Areas for Change

What needs to change to ensure a livable future for all? If we know what is currently harming people and the planet, we are closer to figuring out how best to take action. As we explore the

Crafting your Conversation

For help tailoring your conversation, planning it and deciding how best to reach out, see the Conversation Mapping Guides

If you need help running an online conversation see the Technical Guides.

KTCC Training and Events

The youtube KTCC playlist has online teach-ins and webcast recordings. Here are direct links to some of them:

For more about How to Hold a KTCC, see the two videos below. Note: they were recorded before pandemic times and aimed at in person KTCCs.

Climate Action Network: Kitchen Table Climate Conversations – 2019, July 29 With Lyn Adamson, Franz Hartmann, Colleen Lynch and Debbie Green (Climate Fast) View recording.

Climate Reality Hub: How to Host a Kitchen Table Climate Conversation - 2019, August 20 With Nadia Jethoo, Lyn Adamson, Ray Nakano and Franz Hartman View Recording.

Climate Fast has prepared the KTCC Facilitator Guide and Presenter Slides as a resource to support and encourage climate activists to engage with others and build the growing climate justice movement to prompt action on the climate emergency. The Guide and the Slides contain materials created by Climate Fast as well as materials created by third parties. Climate Fast encourages you to use these resources for the purposes for which they were created and request that they be properly cited and credited, or get additional permission from third parties, if needed. You are welcome to adapt materials created by Climate Fast to better serve their stated purpose. Neither Climate Fast nor the KTCC team is responsible for the way any resources are adapted or used.