Please check the Climate Voting Records Toronto website here and share it with others! https://votingrecords.
Over the past year, a working group at ClimateFast has been building a website that tracks how councillors in each ward are voting on climate change in City Council. The Climate Voting Records Toronto website is an interactive tool that tracks how Toronto City Council is voting on crucial climate and environmental policies each month. The website provides more transparency, enabling Torontonians to hold City Council accountable for their votes within policy areas such as transit, energy, cycling, climate justice, and more.
- By councillor search
- By item search
- Councillor scorecard
- Automatic letter generator to councillor and the Mayor
- Summary of the data findings
Why is this climate voting records website important? Because climate action is urgent! The City has a target of reducing emissions by 65% below 1990 levels by 2030 - and we are struggling to even meet the 2025 target of 45% below 1990 levels. We need councillors to know that their constituents want to see meaningful reductions in emissions, and that we want them to vote in favor of bold new climate measures.
Over the next couple of months, we will also be adding to our public resource folder. The public resource folder will contain details on how this project came about, provide a toolkit to help those working on a similar project, and share lessons learned. As stated by adrienne maree brown: “Write up these learnings and share them widely…”
If you have any further questions or want to get invovled in keeping the website up-to-date, please email us at