If you do not have a hard copy of the Pledge, you can print it from our website (www.climatefast.ca); click the thumbnail of the Pledge located in the right sidebar for the printable version. If you are able to meet a candidate in person, please take a photo of them signing the Pledge and send the photo to: climatefast@climatefast.ca
We also ask that you please send the hard copy of the Pledge, signed by the candidate, to:
c/o 14 Highview Crescent
Toronto, Ontario, M6H 2Y2
For further information, call:(416) 766 6331 or (416) 825 6773
Your candidate may also sign the Pledge online through: http://www.climatefast.ca/pledge-support-fast-candidate
Thank you for sharing this necessary vision for a just transition to a safe climate future.
The ClimateFast Team