Inside this issue
- IPCC calls for immediate action
- Do the Math screening in Ottawa
- Put Climate First on the First of the Month: Fast for the Climate
- 10 days of action
- Initiatives to support
- Defend our climate, defend our communities
- The Great March for Climate Action
Julia Butterfly Hill event - in Toronto on Wednesday! See details below.
IPCC calls for immediate action
by Lyn Adamson
The recently released report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) indicates that we must take urgent action to prevent disastrous temperature rise, and that such action is do-able and affordable. Political will is what is lacking, and that is why it is so important that each of us contacts our political representatives to register our concern, and our support for action.
A new report by the UN climate panel says that, if we are to avert disaster, we must cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40 to 70 per cent by 2050, and to nearly zero by the end of this century, so as to limit the increase in average global temperatures to 2C. However, in reality, despite policies to control them, average emissions rose by 2.2 per cent every year for the past decade, reaching what the new report calls “unprecedented levels.” from the Toronto Star.
“The choices we make now determine our future,” said Keith Stewart, the climate and energy campaigner for Greenpeace. “The less we do, the more we suffer in the future.”
Economists have indicated that pricing carbon is the signal that markets need to push the transition from fossil fuels into renewables and conservation. At Climate Fast we ask our politicians to work in Parliament to: stop fossil fuel subsidies, put a price on carbon, and develop a renewable energy plan for Canada. Has your MP signed the pledge? you can check here to see - and either send them a thank you letter and encouragement to do more, or ask them to sign the pledge if they haven’t. No party leaders except Elizabeth May have signed yet - so make sure your MP letter is copied to the party leaders and critics - addresses here: You can also invite them to the May 6th presentation of Do the Math (see below)
Right now the fossil fuel companies are raking in profits from fossil fuels – and from their investment in fossil fuel infrastructure. They do not want to leave these assets (the oil deposits they have on reserve, and the remaining life in infrastructure such as pipelines) ‘stranded’ – i.e. not making money for the companies and their shareholders. Yet the future of the Earth itself is in the balance. We MUST make this transition. This is a value different from profit, and a higher priority than any immediate monetary gain might be. This is about life and the future. To generate the political will to push this transition we need to work together. Every letter you send helps to generate that political will!
The IPCC report is available here and a recent article in Guardian: IPCC climate change report: averting catastrophe is eminently affordable
Global warming: why is IPCC report so certain about the influence of humans? includes a very useful graphic representation of ‘human fingerprints’ on the climate.
IPCC report: Greenhouse gas emissions accelerated in past decade (The Toronto Star) shows us just how greenhouse gases are rising.
This Ecowatch article suggests starting locally, going for change on all levels, individual to government, using traditional knowledge, being inclusive, using economic approaches (such as carbon pricing), invest in science, starting immediately, and planning for the long term. Please consider printing and circulating, or sending the following link out in an e-newsletter or on your facebook page.
Several of ClimateFast’s partner organizations also work to generate the political will to price carbon and transition to a renewable energy future. Citizens Climate Lobby organizes groups in each riding for letter writing, and also encourages letters to the editor. When the editors receive many letters they know that readers are interested – and more articles will be printed.
It’s up to us to make this news!
Thank you to everyone for your actions on behalf of a safe climate future for all.
Do the Math screening in OttawaHelp get the message to our MPs re: May 6th 2014! On May 6 ClimateFast is hosting a screening of Do the Math, a movie made by The film makes it very clear why we must start making the transition to renewable energy right now, not in thirty years. Our MPs need to know this. You can be a big help! Please take two minutes to either download the poster(PDF) or send the link for the May 6th event to your MP telling them that you hope they will mark their calendar and attend. Tell them why it is important to you. If your MP is francophone, there is the French version of the poster (PDF). Please note that in attendance at the screening will be Dr. Christian Holz, E.D. of Climate Action Network Canada, to share critical findings of the three most recent IPCC reports. Your e-mail letter could look like this: Dear MP, I am writing to ask you and your staff to attend this screening of Do the Math in Ottawa on May 6th: It is important to me that you and all MP’s become as informed as possible on climate change and what we must do. |
Put Climate First on the First of the Month: Fast for the Climate
Please join us on the first of each month. We invite you to be part of Fast for the Climate. If you are fasting in Canada, please send a message to us at We will keep you informed of developments here in Canada and internationally as we work for climate action in the months ahead. We welcome your ideas. We welcome a wide variety of participation, whether food fasting, carbon fasting, or developing other actions for the first of the month. Please ALSO sign up here to join the international list of people around the world who are fasting.
As soon as the international fast site launches, we will post the link. In the meantime, another manifestation of the fast is the Interfaith Fast for the Climate, inviting people of faith around the world in dedicating the first day of each month fasting and praying in solidarity for climate justice.
Twitter: @climatefaith and #fastfortheclimate
10 days of action
by Rita Bijons
Global Climate Convergence call to action - - Watch this video
One of the actions as part of the Global Climate Convergence is a global call to fast, Earth Day to May Day, or on one of the days during this period. This action aligns closely with the fastfortheclimate solidarity movement. Yeb Saño, chief climate negotiator for the Philippines, supports this initiative.
People, planet, peace over profit! Join our friends on the Earth Day to May Day fast
- @EarthDay2MayDay
- FastForTheClimate
- #fastfortheclimate
Other info on the EarthdaytoMayday fast
If you choose to participate in this Fast, from Earth Day to May Day please register on the international sign up page
Initiatives to support
Please keep us informed of actions taken locally. Events you plan can be posted on our events calendar.
Roots and Vision: Seeds of Change
When: This Wednesday, April 23rd, 6pm-9:30pm
Where: Friend's House, 60 Lowther Ave, Toronto (St. George and Bloor)
What: Intimate supper and interactive workshop.
Who: You and Julia Butterfly Hill
Price: $30 student, $40 adult, $60 supportingWe all have a vision for a better world—come and be energized, inspired, and motivated! This is a great event to bring a young person, friend or family member, for encouragement to get involved in creating a sustainable future. The time to act is now!
Tickets are likely to sell out—get yours today! is a gifted storyteller and courageous activist who gave two years of her life to save a giant redwood she named Luna. Listen to a radio interview with Julia on Green Majority here
Supper will include seasonal vegetable soup, salad with organic and locally sourced spring greens, and polenta, with gluten-free option.
There will also be an indigenous welcome with Elder Pauline Shirt and drumming with Spirit Wind.
Defend our climate, defend our communities
by Amelia Rose Khan
On May 10th, people across Canada are stepping up to defend communities from pipelines, dirty energy projects and runaway climate change.
Around the world, more money is being invested in creating electricity with renewable energy than all fossil fuels combined. We’re at the beginning of a great transition to replace fossil fuels with clean energy and ensure a safe climate for all generations.
Meanwhile, in Canada, our federal government is trying to bet our economy on boom-and-bust dirty energy projects that pollute the water and climate while piping the profits out of our communities.
People are stepping up across the country to create a better future. Last November, thousands rallied in over 130 communities across Canada to connect our movement from coast to coast to coast.
Now, with decisions looming on pipelines across the country, we need to reach out to more people, especially the kind who’ve never been to a rally before, to show our government the growing breadth, depth and diversity of our movement.
Update on Unity for the Climate
by Rita Bijons
Traveling 5,000 km on one wheel for climate action, First Nations’ rights, and an end to the muzzling of publicly funded science
On April 1st, Joseph Boutilier fasted in solidarity with Fast for the Climate, @climatefaith #climatefast #fastfortheclimate
On April 5th, he left Victoria, BC, on one wheel. Read about the first 10 days of his trip here.
Joseph is clear. "The need for drastic action to address climate change is beyond urgent. The latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) report concludes that humans are responsible for 100 percent of global warming over the past 60 years, with 95% certainty. Out of 13,950 peer-reviewed climate papers published between 1991 and 2012, only 24 refute the existence of global warming. The crisis is clear. Without substantial efforts to curb carbon emissions, the average surface temperature is likely to rise by more than 4º C within the century, triggering far more colossal, fatal and frequent hurricanes, heat waves, ice storms, floods, famines and typhoons than those that have already rocked the world with unprecedented violence in the past two decades. Other predictions are even more dire. We still have a chance to quell the most devastating effects, but time is rapidly disappearing.
Unity for the Climate is calling on political parties, individual MPs and 2015 federal election candidates to show that they are truly dedicated to addressing the climate change crisis, restoring environmental science in Canada and acknowledging first nations treaty rights and inherent sovereignty by demonstrating commitments to the following changes.
- To address the existing climate crisis by enacting new legislation and emission standards to meet or exceed the Harper Government’s 2008 commitments to reduce carbon emissions by 17% from 2005 levels by 2020.
- To commit to stricter, legally-binding targets at the UNFCCC COP 20 conference in Peru.
- To encourage the same or greater commitments of all UNFCCC participants while guaranteeing that Canada’s targets are not dependent on the policies of any other country: To lead through action and advocacy, and not delay in the name of unequal application across global targets.
- To recognize and honour indigenous sovereignty, treaties with first nations, their inherent land rights, and the environmental protection of their natural resources.
- To reverse internal policies that prevent Canadian scientists from communicating directly with the media and public, and to legislate clear guidelines for editorial control by government officials.
- To restore the approximately-$160 million in funding to environmental research and protection agencies cut by the ‘Jobs, growth and Long-term Prosperity Act’ of 2012 (Bill C-38).
- To repeal the changes to Navigation Protection Act made by Bill C-45."
Unity for the Climate hopes to meet with MPs and election candidates across Canada to discuss their commitments and ideas to achieve unity for the climate. All elected officials are encouraged to proactively show their support by written commitments to the above by contacting organizers.
Joseph points out “If you only read 4 pages of the #IPCC summary for policymakers, read pg. 27-30. Very good geographical breakdown of risks and severity.” He also tweets:
"@YebSano: Weird weather: WMO highlights extreme events of 2013" via @sharethis"
Follow his journey through Twitter and through his live GPS feed
If you haven't yet, please check out the official #uniT4theclimate FB page !
Find out how to join him, or support his venture
How You Can Help
Billeting: Help Joseph with room and board for one night in your community or help connect him with spaces to stay. Communities and dates are listed here.
Help Plan Events: Help Joseph connect with curious citizens and likeminded advocates in communities across Canada. Currently seeking venues like town halls, coffee shops, school classrooms, green drinks, etc, to give evolving presentation on the cause and the journey. Also eager to participate in existing meetings, events, protests, etc.
Ride Alongside: For any portion of the journey, on bicycle or by foot (jogging pace).
Get the Word Out!
Donations will strictly be used to help with event expenses and promotion. Donations can be made via Paypal.
May Day! May Day! Be a First Responder to the Climate Crisis
by Frances Deverell
Joseph is riding a unicycle from his hometown Victoria to Parliament Hill. The journey will be very difficult. It will take five months for him to make it. He needs our help along the way. ClimateFast has decided to embrace his campaign and support it. You can follow his journey on twitter at @josephboutilier and Unity for The Climate Like many of us, he is very concerned about the direction of our Federal Government and its inability to take serious action to reduce Canada’s greenhouse gas emissions. Joseph is one example of a First Responder – a Warrior. He is not giving up, but is instead giving his time and his life energy to make change. With the current IPCC (International Panel for Climate Change) reports, we all need to be first responders. Please let us know of other first responders… and of your own actions in your community.
Joseph’s trip began in Victoria on April 6th. He hopes to end in Ottawa in time for the opening of Parliament on September 15th. Joseph will stay in Ottawa and hopes to join ClimateFast on its five day Fast for Climate Leadership between Sunday, September 28th and Thursday, October 2nd. All along the way he needs your support.
And plan now to join us, on Parliament Hill, September 28th to October 2nd. Let us know if you are coming so we can welcome you!
Tell our leaders we want Action on the Climate Fast!
The Great March for Climate Action
by Dewan Afzal
Great Climate Marchers began their march on March 1st from L.A. under the banner of “How many steps will you take?” Thousands of people will take part during the 246-day march from L.A to Washington D.C. Upon arrival at Payson, Arizona on April 14th the town of Payson issued a proclamation greeting the marchers. According to the local paper "approximately 50 committed people have vowed to walk 2,980 miles. This group consists of retirees, students, teachers, doctors, retired military personnel and wondering free spirits."
A few members of our ClimateFast team plan to join the march later this year. Please check the official blog