MAY 8 TH , 2018
Dear climate action supporters in Toronto:
A provincial election is ON in Ontario – and what happens in the province matters in our city.
The City of Toronto is very dependent on provincial funding through the cap and trade revenue for planned programs to advance
the city's carbon reduction targets
. We need to have a climate-action-friendly government in Ontario!
ClimateFast has asked the parties their positions on climate action, and we are including a summary of their responses
We urge you to speak up for the need for climate action every chance you can – at all candidates meetings, to candidates at the door, and in letters to the editor. Our voice matters, and needs to be heard, as ‘environment’ concerns are consistently low on the list of concerns the candidates hear.
We can link the need for climate action to the economy: better transit, retrofitting buildings, and community climate action means JOBS – in a renewable energy economy. We know how urgent this transition is, so let’s let the candidates know our concerns.
CLIMATE ADVOCACY: JUST EARTH, another climate action group in Toronto is hosting two info and discussion nights on asking questions at all –candidates meetings and other strategies for the provincial election. May 9 th and 10 th at CSI 215 Spadina, from 6 – 8:00 pm. to register or just come.
IF YOU CAN VOLUNTEER to attend all candidates meetings in crucial ridings in the GTA please sign up here and we will be in touch.
HERE ARE SOME QUESTIONS YOU CAN ASK at all candidates meetings & at the door.
1.What climate initiatives would your party take to meet our provincial target of 80% reduction of GHG emissions below 1990 levels by 2050?
2. Does your party support continuation of the Cap and Trade program, including investing in transit and and energy efficiency rebates for homeowners?
3) What ways would your party support local municipal initiatives such as TransformTO (climate action plan in the City of Toronto)? These initiatives include:
a) building retrofits;
b)transportation infrastructure– walking and cycling and transit;
c) expanded green bin program to reduce methane in landfills
The ClimateFast team!