Dear ClimateFast friends,
Two events tomorrow! Wed Nov 21st - 4:30pm planning meeting downtown for #Fridaysforfuture - School Strike and 6:30 pm film in Scarborough - An Inconvenient Sequel. Scroll down for details!
Thanks to everyone who came out on Wednesday to hear our four speakers on what is needed in a climate action plan for Ontario, and to all of those who stayed for training afterward. It was a packed house and the presentations were excellent. Our thanks to Nancy Palardy (ECO), Sarah Buchanan (Clean Energy Alliance), Steve Shallhorn (Labour Education Centre)and Steve Cornwell (Greenpeace). Thanks also to Cheryl McNamara (Citizens Climate Lobby) and Sharon Howarth (CCL and ClimateFast) for training. Thanks to Betty Muir for documenting - we will have the videos available for viewing online.
A big thank you to everyone who participated and submitted comments for the development of the climate action plan for Ontario. Many of you also signed up to join a letter writing group and to work together for meetings with our MPPs - we know this work will need to continue.
Once it is out, expected in early December, there will be a 60 day period for commenting on the plan.
The very next day we learned that this government, right now developing a climate action plan, has at the same time and very same moment decided to close the office of the Environmental Commissioner and fold its duties into the Auditor General’s office, supposedly to ‘save money’. We know this is not true, and we urge you to raise your voice in opposition to this move. Please sign and share this petition:
The Environmental Commissioner of Ontario, Dianne Saxe, and her staff, including Manager of the Climate Change program, Nancy Palardy, have been incredibly helpful in speaking at our events and producing excellent written reports which provide information we as Ontarians need to know in order to take the urgent steps needed for a sustainable future.
HOLD THE DATE: Saturday December 8th we will hold a forum from 1- 4 pm on how we can organize to push for stronger provincial climate action. We need to be VOCAL in our call for climate accountability and leadership in Ontario!
Good news arrived recently for climate change action in Ontario. Federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna just announced a plan to give $420 million directly to cities, schools, hospitals, universities, and businesses to help them reduce their carbon footprints. Similar programs made headlines when they lost their funding after Ontario’s new government cancelled cap-and-trade. The federal money could help pick up where many of the cancelled programs left off, helping some of our largest buildings and institutions switch to cleaner, more energy efficient technologies which cut pollution and energy bills at the same time. Read More:
Community Futures receives funding!
ClimateFast, Toronto Green Community and Green Neighbours Network are hiring! Community Animators are needed one day a week each in Scarborough and Etobicoke for our Community Futures - Sustainable Neighbourhoods project funded by TAF. Apply by Nov 30th. Community Animator: Scarborough Community Animator: Etobicoke
MUNICIPAL ELECTION UPDATE will follow in a future newsletter. Our hope is to set up meetings with all of the 25 newly elected (or re-elected) councilors early in 2019.
Wed. Nov. 21/18 6:30 to 8:45 pm Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power
Join us to watch as Al Gore continues his fight to educate the next generation of climate champions. This compelling film shows us that while the stakes have never been higher, the solutions to the climate crisis are still within our reach.
Film – approx. 95 minutes, followed by a discussion with local climate action experts about how we can make a difference.
Doors open at 6. Healthy snacks available.
ANC space in Scarborough Village Recreation Centre, 3600 Kingston Rd. (NE corner of Markham and Kingston)
Please RSVP if you plan to attend. 647 779-7062 jdolew@yahoo.compresented by Scarborough Climate Action
Wednesday November 21st,Friends House,60 Lowther Ave., 4:30 - 6pm
If you can’t make the planning meeting please email: to let us know of your interest.
Drawdown Toronto - November 28th land use forum- 6:30pm, Friends House, 60 Lowther Ave.
Join Unify Toronto for the sixth of seven Drawdown sector summits. Learn about land use sector solutions to global warming that are already in place and in action in GreaterToronto. Discover how you can help gain ground on global warming by accelerating what is already working. By donation.
Volunteer with ClimateFast!
We need help with media, outreach, data entry, events, film screenings, and local organizing. Email us if you can help!
For up to date Canadian and international climate and energy news three times a week subscribe to the Energy Mix newsletter: