E-newsletter Action Bulletin: The Earth needs us!
This is Earth Week!
Earth Circle at Alternity, 333 Bloor St. W - with Sofiya Chorniy of Green Neighbours Network - 6 pm https://www.facebook.com/events/232954454237172/
Today! Write your councillor! And/or sign up to depute on Thursday April 25 th to support City Council exploring the costs of climate change and considering legal action against fossil fuel companies for the costs. Your voice in support will be very much appreciated when it goes to Infrastructure and Environment Committee on Thursday. Municipal Action details on our webpage plus petition link for Climate Emergenc motion at the City - http://www.climatefast.ca/carbonfreeTO
FEDERAL ELECTION ALL-PARTY DEBATES! Brand new opportunity! Think ahead to the federal election - GreenPAC , a non partisan organization that seeks to promote and recognize environmental leadership in all the parties has a brilliant idea for getting attention across the country to environmental issues during the election campaign. They plan to hold 100 debates running in 100 ridings simultaneously across the country on October 7 th . They would like to announce this initiative in early May. To do so they need to know they have a team of organizers in each riding.
Ari at GreenPAC would like to hear from you if you would like to help! Additionally if you know anyone in ridings in Saskatchewan, Alberta, the Maritimes and the North who might like to help - please pass the word on. For more information or to offer help: 100debates@greenpac.ca .
Forest Bathing - Music and Poetry in Conversation with Nature Thu, April 25, 2019 7:30 PM – 10:30 PM Heliconian Club Tickets are $10 with Violist Esme Allen-Creighton and pianist Anyssa Neumann - Tickets: Earth Day Concert!
April 27 th 1 pm - Earthstrike at Queen’s Park https://www.facebook.com/events/870628353289915/
Sunday April 28 - 12:45 - presentation on the People’s Climate Plan for Ontario with Colleen Lynch and Lyn Adamson - 60 Lowther Ave. https://www.facebook.com/events/3113412272006098/
Followed by planning team meeting for ClimateFast 2:30 - 4 pm.
Also Sunday April 28 th - 1 - 5 pm. Roots of Activism including Rob Stewart film Revolution https://www.facebook.com/events/264907657784378/
May 1 st - 12 noon - General strike in opposition to Ford’s cuts in all areas. https://www.facebook.com/events/532342013960100/
TRANSIT TOWN HALL - METRO HALL 6 PM - https://www.facebook.com/events/532342013960100/
MAY 2 - MUSIC FOR CLIMATE JUSTICE! 8 PM Arraymusic, 155 Walnut Ave. https://www.facebook.com/events/337535823567236/
May 3 rd - FRIDAYS FOR FUTURE - come out! 12:30 at QUEEN’S PARK, 1:30 walk to City Hall, Nathan Phillips Square 2 - 3 pm presence in the square supporting climate action by the city. https://www.facebook.com/events/2062681550448371/
Can you come early and help? 10 am at Friends House - let Lyn know, lyn@climatefast.ca
May 4 -9 - 6 CanRoots East, Develop skills,strategies, and network for change: hosted by Institute for Change Leadership and Progress Toronto, at Ryerson, https://www.facebook.com/events/2265668713699960/
May 5 - Climate Picnic,Christie Pits Park, 11 - 3 pm https://www.facebook.com/events/812559672441011/
Climate Action is urgent!