Hello TransformTO supporters!
We have much to celebrate as the staff request of $2.5 million was approved for the City’s 2018 budget. You helped make that happen! However, that’s just the start of making the transition we need to achieve 80% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050.
Now we need to pressure Council to ensure its planning decisions are taken in line with the goals and direction of TransformTO . Right now the plan for North Yonge is on the council agenda and your quick action is urgently needed. Can you send a quick note in the next day or two to the Mayor and your Councillor to support the Transform Yonge plan to change the area from Sheppard to Finch from a six lane highway to a four lane main street with safe space for walking and cycling?
We need to act quickly as right now the Mayor favours a plan prioritizing cars andputting cycling routes on side streets despite strong local support for the Transform Yonge plan. This comes to the City Council Meeting on Monday March 26 th . Your note in the next few days may influence the outcome – and set an important precedent in planning decisions.
We’ve provided draft wording below. Please feel free to modify or personalize your note with a sentence on why is this important to you –perhaps your vision of the city, perhaps personal experience with the need for safer streets.
Take a few minutes and write as soon as you can.
Please also read on after the draft letter for news of an orientation session for a new initiative, called Drawdown Toronto. It’s based on the book by Paul Hawken and is about making changes in our city to achieve progress in reducing the CO2 in our atmosphere through practical local planning. Next session is March 22 nd . Also see a link for Carbon Conversations, a six session series of discussions on how we can creatively respond to the climate crisis.
With gratitude,
ClimateFast Toronto
mayor tory@toronto.ca , councillor_(lastname)@toronto.ca
Dear Mayor,
Recently you voted to fund the TransformTO plan at $2.5 million for 2018. This is a good move forward. Thank you. It is now important that Council’s planning decisions match the priorities established within the TransformTO plan. If we as a city are to achieve the TransformTO goal of 75% of local trips being taken by active transportation - not cars - then the physical infrastructure must be there to support this. We must transition from streets dominated by cars to streets where there is a mix, including protected areas for bikes and pedestrians.
Soon the Reimagine Yonge decision will come before Council. North Yonge should be reimagined, as staff are recommending. I urge you to vote in SUPPORT of Option 1, called Transform Yonge.
The shocking fact is that 3/4 of the vehicular traffic on that strip of Yonge Street is originating from York Region to the North. With Option 1 the drivers' travel times are expected to be increased by only one or two minutes by the lane reduction. Choosing Option 1 is about making this part of Yonge a safe, walkable and vibrant main street rather than a 6 lane highway dividing the neighbourhood in half.
Council can be visionary - and make this planning decision in line with Council's support for TransformTO. Please assure me that Option 1 will have your support.
Name, address
Introduction to Project Drawdown: How we can reverse global warming!
Paul Hawken has assembled a global team of 200 researchers and thinkers to examine the
already existing
initiatives that could sequestrate carbon and reduce emissions. These were ranked according to the amount of carbon reduced, the cost of implementation and the money saved and the top ranking 80 were presented and described in detail. Project Drawdown is the result
Another introductory event is being held March 28
presented by:
Unify Toronto
Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM OCAD University,
100 McCaul Street
, Main auditorium, Room 190
Admission: Free. Register
Carbon Conversations TO
Hello TransformTO supporters!
We have much to celebrate as the staff request of $2.5 million was approved for the City’s 2018 budget. You helped make that happen! However, that’s just the start of making the transition we need to achieve 80% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2050.
Now we need to pressure Council to ensure its planning decisions are taken in line with the goals and direction of TransformTO . Right now the plan for North Yonge is on the council agenda and your quick action is urgently needed. Can you send a quick note in the next day or two to the Mayor and your Councillor to support the Transform Yonge plan to change the area from Sheppard to Finch from a six lane highway to a four lane main street with safe space for walking and cycling?
We need to act quickly as right now the Mayor favours a plan prioritizing cars andputting cycling routes on side streets despite strong local support for the Transform Yonge plan. This comes to the City Council Meeting on Monday March 26 th . Your note in the next few days may influence the outcome – and set an important precedent in planning decisions.
We’ve provided draft wording below. Please feel free to modify or personalize your note with a sentence on why is this important to you –perhaps your vision of the city, perhaps personal experience with the need for safer streets.
Take a few minutes and write as soon as you can.
Please also read on after the draft letter for news of an orientation session for a new initiative, called Drawdown Toronto. It’s based on the book by Paul Hawken and is about making changes in our city to achieve progress in reducing the CO2 in our atmosphere through practical local planning. Next session is March 22 nd . Also see a link for Carbon Conversations, a six session series of discussions on how we can creatively respond to the climate crisis.
With gratitude,
ClimateFast Toronto
mayor tory@toronto.ca , councillor_(lastname)@toronto.ca
Dear Mayor,
Recently you voted to fund the TransformTO plan at $2.5 million for 2018. This is a good move forward. Thank you. It is now important that Council’s planning decisions match the priorities established within the TransformTO plan. If we as a city are to achieve the TransformTO goal of 75% of local trips being taken by active transportation - not cars - then the physical infrastructure must be there to support this. We must transition from streets dominated by cars to streets where there is a mix, including protected areas for bikes and pedestrians.
Soon the Reimagine Yonge decision will come before Council. North Yonge should be reimagined, as staff are recommending. I urge you to vote in SUPPORT of Option 1, called Transform Yonge.
The shocking fact is that 3/4 of the vehicular traffic on that strip of Yonge Street is originating from York Region to the North. With Option 1 the drivers' travel times are expected to be increased by only one or two minutes by the lane reduction. Choosing Option 1 is about making this part of Yonge a safe, walkable and vibrant main street rather than a 6 lane highway dividing the neighbourhood in half.
Council can be visionary - and make this planning decision in line with Council's support for TransformTO. Please assure me that Option 1 will have your support.
Name, address
Introduction to Project Drawdown: How we can reverse global warming!
Paul Hawken has assembled a global team of 200 researchers and thinkers to examine the
already existing
initiatives that could sequestrate carbon and reduce emissions. These were ranked according to the amount of carbon reduced, the cost of implementation and the money saved and the top ranking 80 were presented and described in detail. Project Drawdown is the result
Another introductory event is being held March 28
presented by:
Unify Toronto
Time: 6:30 PM – 9:00 PM OCAD University,
100 McCaul Street
, Main auditorium, Room 190
Admission: Free. Register
Carbon Conversations TO