Dear friends,
Toronto City Council has scheduled the TransformTO decision as the first item of business after the supper break on Thursday May 25th - tomorrow. And it would be a very good idea for us to fill the council chambers. So please COME DOWN TO CITY HALL IF YOU CAN - for 6:30 pm. Council generally runs only till 8 pm, so it won't be a late night.Information is below for those who have not yet called, emailed or tweeted their councillor or the mayor.
Stand up for 2050 climate action plan! Come out for TransformTO!
We are told that the Mayor is not yet 100% confirmed on his vote and so we must keep lobbying.
Have Your Say! This Week – Write, Call or Speak to the Mayor and your Councillor before the May 24th vote. You can reach the mayor at: or call his office: 416-397-CITY (2489).Send a copy of your email to your Councillor:, and bcc Click here if you need to look up your councillor's name or email address; you can check via postal code. Phone numbers are listed and phone calls are very effective in registering your concern to your Councillor.
Your message: I am calling to urge you to vote for the TransformTO 2050 climate action plan,Pathway to a Low Carbon Toronto. Will Councillor/Mayor ____ be voting for this plan?
You can find sample tweets and your Councillor's twitter handle here:
Please use the hashtags: #TransformTO #TOgether and #carbonfreeTO
Here's a sample tweet to the Mayor. Include your ward # if you know what it is.
Looking forward to working w/ Council to build a climate-friendly city. #TransformTO #TOgether @JohnTory #carbonfreeTO
Here is a shortened link to the report:
For more on TransformTO and to sign up for email updates from the City:
For more information on the campaign, and to sign for updates go to Very sweet video of gr. 3 students deputing for climate action on May 4th too! Please bcc your emails to
Together we can do this today!