February 24, 2016
Dear ClimateFast supporters:
Yesterday ClimateFast, KAIROS and 54 other organizations sent a letter to PM Trudeau, all premiers and territorial leaders, and all MPs calling for a coordinated approach to climate action. ‘A Climate Action Plan for Canada’ sets out six key points of action.
And we are in the news already! We are quoted in this National Observer article by Charles Mandel: Over 50 groups urge Trudeau to make clearer climate policy ahead of federal-provincial meetings.
Now we need you!! We urge you to contact your own MP to express your concern for climate action, before March 3rd. Please include the link to this letter. You can find your MP.
If you have a few more minutes, send also to your provincial MPP, MLA, MHA or MNA.
Many of you have written to your MP to urge a pledge to act on three asks: end fossil fuels subsidies, put a price on carbon, and develop a renewable energy plan for Canada. It is now time to press for specific actions. Please see a new draft letter for your MP. You may certainly modify it to express the concerns as you see them, if you wish. Individually worded letters carry more weight with politicians. You have a very important voice, and influence with your MP as a constituent. The MPs do keep track of the concerns they hear from you.
The timing is critical: the PM and Premiers will meet on Thursday March 3rd in Vancouver. They need to know that the public is with them in pressing forward with the steps outlined in this letter. Your voice counts.
With thanks,
The ClimateFast team
Please note that you can add as cc’s the PM, the Minister of the Environment, other party leaders, and critics. You can find their email addresses here and please be sure to bcc climatefast@climatefast.ca
You can use the sample letter below or at this link: http://www.climatefast.ca/letters.
If you belong to another organization that might like to sign on we are continuing to build our list of supporting organizations until March 3rd. Please send the group name and contact information to climatefast@climatefast.ca.
Hello (your MP’s Name)
Thank you for (anything positive your MP has said or done related to the environment –if you know).
I am extremely concerned about global warming and the potentially catastrophic impacts of climate change. I am relieved that this government played a positive role at the COP21 Climate Talks in Paris.
Now it is time for Canada to take decisive, positive action and make Canadians proud of our country’s response to climate change. Our PM and Premiers need to work together for a peaceful and sustainable future.
Please see attached (or in a link) a letter signed by 56 concerned organizations that has been sent to the Prime Minister, the Premiers and all Members of Parliament.
As your constituent, I wanted to send it to you personally. I hope you will be a champion for climate action in your own Caucus.
Very best wishes to you and for your work in the challenging and critically important days
Your full name
Your address, with postal code (shows you are in the riding)
Phone # (optional)