Our Common Ground: Canadian and African Voice for Regenerative Agriculture as a Climate Solution
September 22, 2020
Soil erosion and desertification are happening today at alarming rates, driving water and food insecurity, forced migration, and climate change. Estimates indicate that between 44% and 57% of all greenhouse gas emissions come from the global food system.
At current rates of soil degradation, the UN has indicated that we may only have 60 harvests left. There are multiple threats to our food supply and food justice that need to be understood and addressed by all of us - and a solution that lies right beneath our feet. 'Our Common Ground' brings together Canadian and African voices to feature a key ally in the transition to a regenerative future: our soils. Partner www.soil4climate.org/ This panel was moderated by Karl Thidemann, Co-Founder and Co-Director, Soil4Climate, and panelists included:
→ Laurent Mascar Ngoma, Agro-Environmentalist, Senior Independent UN Expert
→ Dalmas Tiampati, Founder and Director, Maasai Centre for Regenerative Pastoralism
→ Paul Slomp, Grazing Days Farm
→ Michael Collins, Executive Director, Americas, Institute for Economics and Peace
→ Kirubel Tadele, Communications Officer, African Food Sovereignty Alliance (AFSA)
→ Jackie Milne, Founder and President, Northern Farm Training Institute, Savory Hub
→ Mbarouk Omar, Director, Community Forests Pemba