This ten minute video outlines a lot of the steps we can take as individuals to reduce our carbon footprint, based on the BC setting.
However we know that as individuals our changes alone will not be enough. That's why we are focusing in this campaign on sending letters to our politicians.
A price on carbon - now at $30 per ton - in BC has reduced fossil fuel emissions by 15%. We need a steadily rising price on carbon across the country to ensure that everyone is motivated to lower his or her individual carbon footprint and that industries do as well. This video shows you how.
In your letter to your MP you could say 'I am doing... and ... and ... to lower my carbon footprint. I need government to take action too.'
We have to lower our carbon use not by 10% but by at least 80% by 2050.
As a society, that is a huge challenge. Let's each do our part - and let's urge government to take action too.