Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty-Toronto Campaign
We helped mobilize the City of Toronto to call on City Council to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) and to ask the Canadian government to endorse the treaty and support its passage at the upcoming COP26 UN Climate Change Conference in November 2021. This was acheived on June 14, 2021.
Kitchen Table Climate Conversations
Kitchen Table Climate Conversations (KTCC’s) is a grassroots initiative spearheaded by ClimateFast and led by those willing to host or facilitate a conversation. Its goal is to empower people to hold conversations about climate justice that increase understanding of the climate emergency, honour emotions, spark effective actions and solutions, emphasize the power of collective efforts, and underline the need for political advocacy. In March and April 2021, a series of KTCC training sessions was provided. Click here for more information about KTCC resources, hosting conversations and support meetings.
Municipal Climate Action - CarbonFreeTO
In 2018, Council voted unanimously to support TransformTO... Learn more
Toronto Climate Film Festival (TCFF)
Toronto Climate Film Festival is showing a number of environmental films ...Learn more
Peoples' Climate Plan for Ontario
We need a REAL peoples climate plan for Ontario to respond to the climate crisis... Learn more
Climatefast launched its new campaign VOCAL - Voices of Ontarians for Climate Accountability and Leadership and one its first actions is to fight Bill 4, the repeal of Cap and Trade, which jeopardizes TransformTO ...Learn more