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Last year a handful of determined climate activists fasted on Parliament Hill for 12 days to draw attention to the Federal government’s lack of action on climate change.  Since then, despite record-breaking temperatures in 2012, and devastating natural disasters, any measures to curb…

ClimateFast Delivers a Wake-Up call to Harper: You can’t prorogue Climate Change!

Day 7, and ClimateFast will march from Parliament Hill at noon today, to the home of Stephen Harper to urge immediate action on Climate Change in the wake of the AR5 Summary For Policymakers Report released this morning by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. The facts are in and they…

Sept 21, 2012-‘Hungry for Climate Leadership’ Heads for the Hill

Press Release

September 21 – October 2, 2012
‘Hungry for Climate Leadership’ Heads for the Hill 

September 21, 2012