A Reason To Hope - The Regreening of Sudbury
“For me, Sudbury is an indication that we aren't going to lose. Climate change is the biggest and most crucial challenge we face. There is hope.”
Running 3.5 for 1.5 Degrees of Peace
Congratulations to ClimateFast volunteer Mark Shapland for a successful fundraising campaign for the youth documentary film, 1.5 Degrees of Peace. Mark ran the May 1st Toronto Marathon in 3:24:30, beating his goal of 3.5 hours.
World Fish Migration Day
By Swati Tomar and Lorna McCue
May 17, 2022
Every two years, World Fish Migration Day (WFMD) culminates in a global celebration dedicated to raising awareness of the value of migratory fish and flowing rivers. World Fish Migration Foundation coordinates the event.
Emergency in Ontario Toronto Rally
More than a thousand keen activists came out for a high energy festive rally for Climate, Communities and Nature on Saturday. May 14th
Climate Conversations in Ontario - Part 6 - Art & Antidotes
Our conversations - shared expertise, stories, anecdotes - help us discover what we can offer each other. In fact, our lives depend on inter-dependence - the nurse, the nurturer, the tech genius, the farmer, the field hand. What a shambles our world would be in, without the diverse skills, approaches and gifts we offer one another.
Climate Conversations in Ontario - Part 5 - Environmental Right
There are some things, among the varied perspectives and views we all bring to the table, that we can agree on. Perhaps basic needs and basic rights are among them? I mean, pared down, no-doubt, survival needs like clean air and water and ample food.
May 1 Toronto Rally and March for Decent Work and Climate Justice
ClimateFast was an active participant in the joint climate justice-workers May Day rally in Toronto on May 1, 2022.
IPCC Report: Climate Change 2022: Mitigation of Climate Change
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is the United Nations body for assessing the science related to climate change.
Climate Conversations in Ontario - Part 4 - An Everything Issue
How many clues has nature thrown our way lately, that health requires a safe climate. That a safe climate depends on intact eco-systems. That strong eco-systems are essential to health. And around we go again!
Climate Conversations in Ontario - Part 3 - How to Live
Sometimes, when we want to talk climate, we shy away from it for a very good reason - there are other, just as pertinent, just as life-threatening concerns in the room. Shelter is one of them. Acquiring and maintaining safe shelter - affordable, accessible housing - is a basic need. It is critical. It should be a right here in Ontario where we do have the wherewithal to make sure everyone is safely housed.
Climate Conversations in Ontario - Part 2 - A Better Living
As the saying goes - habits are hard to break. Seriously, change is stressful and the climate emergency demands change at all levels - widespread, multi-sectoral change. Another word for this change is transition, or even transformation.
Climate Conversations in Ontario - Funds for Good
Sometimes, when new knowledge, perhaps of a cataclysmic weather event or impact of environmental racism weighs heavy inside, it’s hard not to want to speak about it at a social gathering. The topic can be quite unwelcome though!
IPCC Report: Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
This report concludes that “Climate change is a threat to human well-being and planetary health,” and any further delay in drastically reducing greenhouse gas emissions “will miss a brief and rapidly closing window of opportunity to secure a livable and sustainable future for all.”
Ontario Budget Consultations - Have Your Say!
2022 Ontario Budget consultations are now open. However, the budget proposals are woefully inadequate, so ClimateFast has developed a public resource to make it easy for you to add ideas that have been missed.
Talking About Climate in Ontario
An Ontario provincial election approaches! As it does, It is clear we need actions that protect our health, build strong communities and create a climate just future. What can we do to help ensure that happens?
Let's Put Climate in the Budget
Update on climate budget process - there is still time! Join a town hall and advocate for funding for TransformTO.
The deadline for submissions is Friday, January 21st at midnight.
Because the government passed the Climate Accountability Act last June they now have a responsibility to bring out a climate plan by March 29th this year, and they
Reflections on 2021
Happy New Year everyone. I hope that you had as restful, rejuvenating and joyful a holiday season. 2021 was a difficult year for many of us, for so many reasons. Despite the challenges we faced, the team at ClimateFast is extremely proud of all we have accomplished. Working at community, municipal, provincial, federal and global levels our efforts are helping make the changes we need to see.
Statement of Solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en People
ClimateFast members vigorously condemn the ongoing invasion of Wet’suwet’en territory, the unlawful arrests made by militarized RCMP and the continued violation of Wet’suwet’en jurisdiction, title and law.
On the Grounds
Read this reflection on the November 6th Climate Justice Rally at Queen's Park, along with a summary of the gains and failures of COP26.