Lyn Adamson Interviewed by BBC
November 6, 2021: Lyn Adamson was interviewed by Saoirse Wilson on BBC World Interview about her views of COP26 and what is needed to curb climate change.
BBC World News contacted ClimateFast for an interview following the Nov 6th Climate Justice Rally at Queen's Park, part of the Global Day of Action for Climate Justice.
The four themes of the Day of Action rally are:
Respect Indigenous Sovereignty
Phase out Fossil Fuels
Just Transition for Communities & Workers
lobal Justice
Global Day for Climate Justice
Candles for COP26
Fossil Fuel Election Pledge Campaign
Team Climate 2021
We restricted nuclear weapons. Now we must limit fossil fuels
Growing the FFNPT one town at a time: our 10 step campaign strategy!
We Made History!! Toronto City Council Endorses Call for Fossil Fuel Treaty
TCAN members support the FFNP Treaty
Compiled City Council Email Addresses
If you want to bcc all Toronto City Councillors, here is a compiled list of their email addresses that you can copy and paste into the bcc line of your email message:
Letters urging City Council to support the Fossil Fuel Treaty
Below is a letter you can use as a template to ask your Councillor to support a motion to endorse the Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Indigenous Protected Conservation Areas
Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty-Toronto Campaign
Toronto Fossil Fuel Treaty Campaign Off To a Strong Start
Nearly 200 participants joined in the Toronto launch of the campaign for a Fossil Fuel Non-Proliferation Treaty on June 14, 2021.
Last night's webcast featured 10 speakers....Read more
Tips for meeting with your Councillor
1. Request the Meeting
Your email to your councillor might go something like this: